Daughters Of Isabella Circle 239—St. Ambrose & St. Francis

The first circle of the Order of the Daughters of Isabella was founded in New Haven Connecticut in 1897, as a women’s auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus. The purpose was the uniting of Catholic women in a sisterhood to achieve several goals:
- To know one another better
- To extend the circle of friends
- To centralize resources to better help one another
- To be a greater force to contend with in the pursuit of good in society
St. Luke’s Circle 239.
Circle 239 was formally charted on April 8, 1923. Our Circle serves members from both St. Ambrose and St. Francis Catholic Churches. We also have members from other area parishes including St. Michael of Girard and St. Patrick's, Parsons. Over the years Circle 239 has worked hard to live to the motto of our Connecticut founders--"Unity, Friendship, Charity". We have regularly scheduled monthly meetings and some of our activities include:
2015—2017 officers of St. Luke Circle 239:
Vertical Divider
The Circle 239 Charter is Proudly Displayed in the Main Dining Room of St. Francis Parish Hall.