Parish Organizations:
St. Ambrose and St. Francis parishes work with a joint pool of organizations. Organizations like the Catholic Youth Ministry, Church Council, Stewardship Council, etc. operate jointly with leadership from the Parish Office or organization leaders. But, in some cases location and unique resources make separate groups desirable - Example: Altar Society.
Links to the main St. Ambrose and St. Francis Parishes organizations:
Links to the main St. Ambrose and St. Francis Parishes organizations:
- Altar Society - St. Ambrose
- Altar Society - St. Francis
- Catholic Youth Ministry (Joint)
- Church Council (Joint)
- Daughters of Isabella (Joint and also including members from other local communities)[1]
- Harvest House (Joint)
- Knights of Columbus (Joint and also including members from other local communities)[2]
- Stewardship Council (Joint)
- St. Francis Thrift Store (Joint)
Notes and Reference Information:
Note 1. In addition to St. Paul and Erie, Daughters of Isabella Circle 239 also has members from Girard and Parsons, Kansas.
Note 2. In addition to St. Paul and Erie, Knights of Columbus Council 760 also has members from Walnut and Galesburg, Kansas.
Note 1. In addition to St. Paul and Erie, Daughters of Isabella Circle 239 also has members from Girard and Parsons, Kansas.
Note 2. In addition to St. Paul and Erie, Knights of Columbus Council 760 also has members from Walnut and Galesburg, Kansas.