The 107th 'America Needs Fatima' Public Square Rosary Crusade is about three weeks away! This year's goal, for America Needs Fatima, is to have Rosary Rallies at 22,500 locations on Saturday, October 12th. This will be more than the approximate 22,000 rallies held last year. Our St. Francis - St. Ambrose parishes entered the crusade rallies in 2021 with good participation. Last year, even with cool blustery weather and a SOLAR ECLIPSE (!), we had an extraordinary turnout. Let's do better this year! Our 2024 rally will be held in the St. Francis Catholic Church Parking lot at 12:00 Noon. We hope to see you there again this year and bring friends from our parishes, or other area churches. Some Reference Information:
1 Follow this link for more information about Americal Needs Fatima, and the work they do. America Needs Fatima 2. For questions or other information contact our Rally Captain, Mary Jane Gouvion. ![]() Altar Server Training, Monday August 5th There will be an Altar Server training class on Monday, August 5th, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Francis Catholic Church. Any students in the 5th - 12th grades, who would like to be Mass servers, please join Father Matt and Jimmy Voorhies for the training. We would also like to invite the high school boys, who are currently servers, to come as well for training on how to do incense. ![]() Harvest House Antiques Roadshow - II. In spite of a weather postponement, our winter Harvest House Antiques Roadshow was a success. We are going to do it again during our Thursday, August 15th meeting! We will meet at the St. Paul Cafe at noon. Please bring an item, 50 years old or older, and be prepared to say something about it. Any item, religious or otherwise, will be great*. This is going to be fun! 1. For more Information about this event, call Marlene Clark or Judy Fager.
2. For more information about Harvest House, follow THIS LINK. * Entering yourself as an antique is not allowed! Totus Tuss is a Latin phrase that means "totally yours." It is an expression of devotion to Our Blessed Mother, Mary. Our Summer of 2024 Totus Tuus Week was an overwhelming success. Proof of success is the fact that everyone was happily exhausted by the end of the week! Activities were centered around St. Francis Church, the St. Francis Parish Hall and the Church lawn. The lawn was well watered during the latter part of the week! During the week a team of four Diocese 'Missionaries' worked with more than thirty of our students. These young leaders conducted meetings, classes and scheduled adoration time — and everyone had FUN! On Thursday and Friday, the fun got wetter and messier. A Totus Tuss tradition is turning a couple of the missionaries into 'sundaes.' That involves covering the lucky leaders in chocolate, caramel, and strawberry ice cream syrup, marshmallows, sprinkles, cherries and other goodies. Then an all-out water war breaks out; and when everyone is soaked it is water-slide time. This year the local fire department finished off the soaking with one of their fire engine water cannons; and one of the missionaries got to aim the stream of water. During the water-wars, Father Matt distinguished himself as being a pretty formidable water-warrior — and Bridget was no amateur! This year's sundae-session took on special meaning. Our students dedicated it to their much-loved friend, and former student, Braedin Voorhis. After the sundaes were completed, students and Missionaries gathered together for a loving group photo. The following slide show sums up the week's activities with emphasis on Thursday and Friday events. Many thanks to Father Matt, Bridget Paisley and her sister Rachael Howayek, Linda Smith, the Altar Society, the Knights of Columbus and other volunteers for supporting this important summer event. Special thanks to Missionaries Chiara, Annabelle, Thomas and our own Austin O'Hara for keeping the weeks activities on track and exciting. These Missionaries got a weekend to rest up and started a new assignment Monday. Photos:
Photos were provided by; Bridget Paisley, Kristy Mueller and Ron Brogan. On Thursday, April 25th, thirty-five parishioners from seven Southeast Kansas churches made a bus pilgrimage to the Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus, just north of Gower Missouri. The bus picked up passengers in Parsons and Pittsburg during a torrential rainstorm, but thanks to our skilled driver, we made the 200-mile trip to the Abbey without incident. As luck would have it, the weather improved and we arrived, during a light shower, in time for benediction. We heard the Benedictines of St. Mary Choir during the service. ![]() The Abbey is a beautiful church and convent on a gravel road, in the rolling hills north of Gower. It was here that a decision was made to relocate Sister Wilhelmina from her original May of 2019, grave to a place of honor inside of the church. But when they opened her original wooden coffin, in May of 2023, they found her body and habit to be in remarkable condition. After this discovery, Sister Wilhelmina's body was placed in a glass window-coffin near the church entrance. The church grounds were transformed to accommodate the large groups of visitors that were bound to come to view an apparent miracle — and visitors are coming. The Southeast Kansas group consisted of parishioners from St Francis, St. Paul; Saint Michael's, Girard; Mother of God, Oswego; Sacred Heart, Frontenac; St. Patrick's, Parsons; Saint Andrew, independence, and Our Lady of Lourdes, Pittsburgh. Some photos of the visit are in the gallery below. Thanks to Marlene Clark of St. Francis for filling in as our tour director. She took very good care of us. The group photo was taken by our bus driver who proclaimed us to be the "Wiggliest group" he had ever photographed. He was right because, with several tries, he couldn't quite catch all of us. Life Saver Sunday for A Better Choice.
The Weekend of April 21st is Life Saver Sunday Weekend! A special effort, with the Knights of Columbus, to support A Better Choice will follow each Mass. This local Catholic Ministery provides hope through peer counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, material assistance, adoption counseling, and community referrals for women struggling with the fear of an unplanned pregnancy. Your continued financial support is needed to sustain these services at no cost to the mothers. To learn more about their services, volunteering and donating, click their logo at the top of the page, or enter their website here. Home - A Better Choice ( EASTER SCHEDULE:
ADORATION FOR HOLY THURSDAY will begin after 6:30 p.m. Mass until midnight. We are asking each family in both parishes to spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. There is a sign-up sheet to put your initials on the time you will pray. CONFESSION FOR HOLY WEEK:
Fr. Theodore will hear confessions--
Father Frank Keenan C.P. was laid to rest in the St. Francis de Hieronymo Catholic Church Garden Cemetery on Saturday, December 16. Father Frank was the first Passionist Priest to be buried in our garden cemetery since Father Joe Van Leeuwen's burial on April 1, 2017 [1]; and only the second since Father Ferdinand Madl's death in June of 1972. His road to the priesthood started here in St. Paul when he entered the Passionist noviate in 1953. Completing his year here, he studied philosophy and theology at monasteries in Des Moines, Chicago and Louisville. After ordination, he returned to St. Paul as Novice Director, a position he held for about two years. From here, he enjoyed a long and rewarding ministry including student leadership at several locations, and finally in pastoral ministry at Lutheran General Hospital near Chicago. His final wish was to return to St. Paul for his funeral, and burial in the St. Francis Passionist Cemetery. The Funeral was concelebrated by St. Francis pastor Father Theodore Khin, and Father Don Webber C.P. Father Webber is with the Office of Mission Effectiveness, Holy Cross Province, Park Ridge, IL. Like Father Keenan, Father Don also started his priesthood here. 1. Father Van Leeuwen died at the Passionist Mission in Southern Kochi, India on February 28, 2017 and was returned to the United States for burial.
2. For more information about St. Paul's Passionist era, follow these links: ![]() Rev. Francis X. Keenan, C.P. religious priest of the Passionist Congregation, died at St. Benedict Nursing and Rehabilitation Home, in Niles, IL, at 90 years of age, on November 25, 2023. Father Frank was born in Chicago on July 18, 1933. He entered the Passionist noviate, at St. Paul, in 1953 and professed his first vows in July of 1954. His studies in philosophy and theology were at the monasteries in Des Moines, Chicago and Louisville. After sacred eloquence, he returned to St. Paul as assistant Novice Director, a position he held for about two years. From here, he enjoyed a long and rewarding ministry including student leadership at several locations, and finally in pastoral ministry at Lutheran General Hospital near Chicago. Father Frank cherished his short assignments in St. Paul and made many friends here. Many of our parishioners still remember him fondly. His final wishes were that his cremation, visitation and memorial mass be done in Chicago. Then he wanted to return to St. Francis, St. Paul, for his funeral Mass and burial in our Church Garden Passionist Cemetery.
May Father Frank Rest in Peace! Father Frank Keenan's obituary is linked HERE.
Thank You! By any account, our St, Francis Fall Festival and Harvest Auction was a success! But it didn't just happen. Thanks to the army of parishioners including the Altar Society and CYM, who worked hard for months to plan, organize and execute this decades-old tradition. Also, thanks to the parishioners and the other folks from all around our region for coming to the Parish Hall and sharing our success.
Windy, cold, damp weather, and an eclipse! But the elements didn't stop more than thirty-five St. Francis and St. Ambrose parishioners from praying the rosary together, in the St. Francis parking lot, to spread the message of Fatima. Some of the participants prayed from the shelter of their cars, but their voices were heard! ![]() The St. Francis Fall Bazaar and Auction is less than a month away. This year's auction will feature a miniature likeness of our St. Francis Catholic Church, created by Roger Fryett, and donated by Charles and Alice Schettler. Roger is an 81-year-old Hutchinson, Kansas, wood artist known for his furniture, mosaic work, architectural and train models and whimsical sculptures of every-day items. The miniature church being auctioned was made with 372 individual pieces of wood and is illuminated with twenty LED lights. It measures 17” tall, 7” wide and 14” in length. It is one of only two that have been built. St. Francis Catholic Church received a gift from the family of David and Ruby Westhoff during late September. A monument bearing the Ten Commandments on the East Side, and The Beatitudes on the opposide side was installed near the Church steps. This gift is a beautiful addition to our Church grounds, and a lasting tribute to long-time St. Ambrose and St. Francis parishioners.
![]() America Need Fatima. America Needs Fatima (ANF) is a special campaign to spread the message of Fatima in the United States. The goal of America Needs Fatima is to win the heart and soul of America for Mary by spreading Our Lady’s Fatima message and promoting devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. America urgently needs the prophetic messages of Our Lady at Fatima. Above all, America needs a clear direction, a great purpose, and the means to achieve it. The admonitions, requests, and warnings of Mary Most Holy can rightly be called a heaven-sent survival manual. 2023 St. Francis - St. Ambrose Rally. In 2007, America Needs Fatima started the October Rosary Rally Campaign asking people pray a rosary for America in a public place at noon on the Saturday in October closest to October 13th, when Our Lady performed the miracle of the sun in 1917. This year we will pray the Rosary for America on Saturday, October 14. at 12:00 Noon, in the St. Francis Catholic Church Parking Lot, 205 Washington in St, Paul. Our local Rosary Rally will be done in concert with approximately 20,000 other rallies ranging from a few people to more than thirty. Our past rallies have been well attended and we hope this year will exceed previous events! Intentions for the Public Square Rosary Crusade:
More Information About The 2023 Public Square Rosary Crusade:
![]() Harvest House will meet at the St. Paul Cafe on Thursday, August 17th, at noon. Our guest speaker will be Sharon Witzell, Program Coordinator, Senior Adult Ministry at Catholic Diocese of Wichita. Hope to see you there! For more information about our Harvest House Program, and the Diocese Senior Adult Ministry, please follow this LINK. Totus Tuus is committed to bringing kids closer to Christ through the sacraments, prayer and fun! We believe all sixty-five of the youth who attended this year's retreat, and their adult advisors, will agree that it met or exceeded all of the criteria. This summer's event was held July 9th through 14th, from 8:00 to 3:00 for our 1st to 6th graders. Older students enjoyed an evening program. The daytime program included outdoor water fun, snacks, pizza and ice cream sundae making. It also included some pretty good messes. During the week, our 1st through 6th graders also took time for Mass, prayers, Confessions, Adoration and learning more about their Catholic Faith. Many Thanks to our Diocesan Missionaries, Maria, Jessica, Paddy and Ryan. Thank you, Father Theodore, for providing so many opportunities for confessions, adoration, and Masses for the kids. Thanks to Lyndon and her helpers; and those who volunteered to provide meals for the team and kids each night. Special thanks for the Aday's and Mueller's for providing lodging for the Diocese Missionaries. It was much appreciated and provided some awesome social time for the entire team. This year's retreat was a true parish team project!!! Origin and the Need for the Renewal Project. Our grateful thank you to the Jim and Loretta Hofer Family for the Divine Mercy image that has been blessing and watching over the souls of our historic Saint Francis Cemetery for many years. Sadly, due to time and weather, the image has deteriorated and will be replaced with a new full-color replica of the original Divine Mercy image as revealed by Jesus to St. Faustina, in a vision that occurred in her cell in the convent of Plock, in central Poland, on February 22, 1931. Likewise, the nearby Rachael Mourning monument, erected in 1993, is showing signs of wear and is in need of cleaning and refurbishment. Both of the updated/restored monuments will be erected on a new decorative concrete base slab. ![]() The Project is Under Way. An area in the cemetery is being prepared for placement of the image and the Rachel Mourning monument as a site of veneration and pilgrimage for the faithful. An attractive, new dyed concrete slab has been installed. The Rachel Mourning statue has been removed, cleaned and restored. It is in storage waiting for the new base. A new Divine Mercy image will be mounted in an attractive metal frame. The new image, including the frame, will be 52" Wide x 154" high. The image itself will measure 48" x 96". At just over 12' in height, the new image will attract attention to the new monument area from across the cemetery. How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation. If you would like to make a Tax-deductible gift for the cost and completion of this project, please make checks payable to St. Francis Church. Please designate the “Divine Mercy/Rachel Mourning monument.” or “DM/ RM monument project in the memo field.” Please mail or bring your donation to the rectory office or put in the collection basket. Make checks separate from your regular church donation. Any amount large or small will be greatly appreciated. Thank You! Note: In addition to your direct personal donations, the Knights of Columbus Council 760 will host a Benefit Breakfast on Sunday, June 25 to raise funds for the Divine Mercy/Rachel Mourning Project and drainage/road improvements in the south part of the cemetery. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING will be held on Saturday, May 20th, at 10:00 a.m. in the church. All students currently in grades 4 -11 are encouraged to attend.
Altar serving is a wonderful way for our parish youth to practice stewardship. Call the parish office with questions. ![]() Diocese of Wichita Feasibility Study This is an exciting time in the Diocese of Wichita as together we discern and plan for the future of our local Church. During the early weeks of a campaign feasibility study, the Diocese is inviting feedback from every Catholic family across our diocese. Bishop Kemme wants to hear from us! Take a few minutes to learn more about the proposed goals and priorities we are testing during the study and participate in the online survey today. Visit to read the complete feasibility study fact sheet and access the online survey. Stand By For More Important Information!
![]() Local Free Throw Championship. On Sunday, January 29, Council 760 hosted the local Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. With some other athletic competitions active in the area, our field of contestants was a little smaller. But we had an active contest, leading up to next weekend's District Championship which will also be hosted in the St. Paul School gymnasium. This year's medals went to:
Many thanks to the group of Knights and family members who supported this important annual event. Also, thanks to District Deputy Bernie Collins for driving down from Chanute to support us. ![]() Council 760 Exemplification of New Members. On Saturday evening, January 21st, Knights of Columbus Council 760 inducted five new members. Congratulations are extended to:
Following the Exemplification, our council hosted a social for new, existing Knights and their families in the west dining room. The social included a delicious pulled-pork dinner with trimmings, beverages and deserts. In addition to congratulating our new Knights, we want to thank several existing or past Kansas state and district officials who attended and supported the membership effort:
Some Reference Information:
1. Follow THIS link for more information about the Knights of Columbus history and organization; our council; and our most esteemed Knight (who was also awarded a Vatican Knighthood). If You Are Interested in This Volunteer Position, Please Contact the Parish Office. St. Francis - St. Ambrose has an immediate need for a volunteer Associate Webmaster to help maintain the joint-parishes website and business Facebook page. The Associate Webmaster will assist the two existing people but will eventually assume responsibility as the lead Webmaster. Responsibilities include:
Web Editing. We use the Weebly website editor.[1] Weebly is a very easy-to-use website tool that requires absolutely no HTML coding knowledge [2]. The screen presentation is true 'What You See is What You Get' (WYSIWYG). Most layout and editing work are done with a set of drag-and-drop tiles displayed at the left side of the screen. Less used page setup and support commands are accessible from a top-bar menu. The Drag-and-Drop tiles are used to place text blocks, images, documents (such as the bulletin), videos, section dividers (like the one above), etc. Notes and Reference Information.
1. Weebly was recently acquired by Square, an E-commerce specialty company. 2. As noted above, routine maintenance of the site does not require any knowledge of HTML coding. However, if the applicant is familiar with coding, Weebly does allow accesses to coding for fine detail work. However, the current web maintenance staff have never used this feature. ![]() HARVEST HOUSE will meet Thursday, January 19th at 12:30 p.m. in the Senior Citizen Center, 505 N. Main, St. Paul. Soup, crackers, bread and desert will be served. Everyone please bring table service and a drink. For more information, and to volunteer to bring food, call Marlene Clark 620-687-4401 or Judy Fager 620-423-9144. ![]() CONGRATULATIONS, THANKS, AND PRAYER: Our parish is going through some changes that call for congratulations, thanks, and prayers for easy transitions: Congratulations to Lyndon McCracken for assuming the role of Director of Religious Education. Lyndon will be doing this important faith formation work from the Religious Education Center and home. A Heartfelt Thank You to Suzie Diskin for her many years of hard work and dedication as our Director of Religious Education. Suzie will continue to support Lyndon during a transition period. Congratulations to Larry Coomes on his retirement from our facilities maintenance position. Larry, thank you for your service during the past years. Also, congratulations to Dennis Duling for assuming responsibility for facility maintenance, mowing, and repairs for our parish. Let’s all support Dennis during this change. |
December 2024
This is the community website for the St. Francis de Hieronymo and St. Ambrose Catholic Churches in Neosho County, Kansas. Both churches are located in the center of the historic nine-county southeast Kansas area. We share one of the richest Catholic Heritages in Southern Kansas and the Four-State Region. For more information about our churches, history, organizations or programs browse our site including its links.