![]() During the past weekend KofC Council 760 replaced the fourteen The Lord's Prayer signs, that stretch about 4/10th's of a mile east from Xavier Road, on the north side of highway 47. A group of Knights took on the job of: removing the old signs; scraping and repainting the existing posts; and remounting a set of new 2' x 4' sign panels. They also repaired a couple of posts and replaced a few of the trim strips finishing off the installation. The project actually started several weeks earlier when artwork from the earlier signs was located. Those earlier images were enhanced to make the lettering more prominent on the backgrounds. Then the new images were printed on vinyl covered aluminum plates mounted on a corrugated vinyl core. This Was the Third Iteration. We don't know the exact timing, but the new signs are the third set that have graced The Lord's Prayer along K47 during the past 25 or more years:
It Was a Busy Year! Council 760 recently submitted their Annual History Report which summarizes activity for fiscal year 2016—2017 (July 1, 2016 — June 30, 2017). We knew it was a busy year but when the activities were compiled it was, indeed, a very active period. Most importantly, as a faith and charity-based fraternal organization, we provided valuable service for our area, state and national communities. In total, Knights of Columbus Council 760 returned $36,780 to community in the form of financial aid to families in need, seminarian support and donations to local or other organizations. A summary of some of the work is provided here and a link to our annual report is provided below:
In addition to the direct donations noted above, Council 760 also sponsored two additional community breakfasts and our annual Smoked Ribs campaign to raise money for our emergency and general operating fund. This money allows us to support other projects and causes during the year. Some of these include: The local and district basketball free-throw contests both of which were in St. Paul; punt pass and kick; autumn pro-life rosary and ice cream social and 4th Degree honor guards for our church or other area churches. Open the link below for a copy of our annual history report. ![]()
[1] Pennies from Heaven is an EDAP (Emergency Disaster Aid Program). Individual councils make an annual donation to sustain a state fund which, in turn, is made available to the councils to provide instant support for local emergencies. For example, the $200 donation, noted above, was made quickly allowing the family to buy clothing, and other necessities destroyed by the fire. Then, our council was reimbursed from the state Pennies fund. They Do More Than Fry Eggs and Sausage: Folks get accustomed to seeing Knights at the serving line at benefit breakfasts, or handing out Tootsie Rolls in the back of church. These events are intended to raise money for local families in need or to support special church or civic projects. But they do more than that — a lot more. Over the past few years they have repaired some local homes, supported our altar servers and ran local youth sports events. For those who have been up in the church tower, the metal stairways between the choir-loft and bells levels were lifted in place and installed by a team of KofC members. In the photos above, Grand Knight Matt O'Hara is repairing one of the Lords Prayer signs a mile east of Beechwood Hill. Nobody told him to do it. He was just doing what Knights do! |
December 2024
This is the community website for the St. Francis de Hieronymo and St. Ambrose Catholic Churches in Neosho County, Kansas. Both churches are located in the center of the historic nine-county southeast Kansas area. We share one of the richest Catholic Heritages in Southern Kansas and the Four-State Region. For more information about our churches, history, organizations or programs browse our site including its links.