![]() This message follows Bishop Carl Kemme's announcement of Sunday, May 3rd regarding Phase One resumption of Holy Masses Within the Diocese of Wichita. As noted in the Bishop's announcement, and attachments, Phase One covers the period of Wednesday May 6 through Wednesday May 20. Below are links to a letter from Father Sam Pinkerton regarding local Mass schedules, beginning Monday, May 11. This letter, and Bishop Kemme's attachment, have also been mailed to all members of St. Francis and St. Ambrose parishes. ![]() At right is a photographic (JPG) image of Father's letter that can be enlarged, or you can follow THIS LINK to download the the letter, in PDF format, to your computer or device. Here are some important take-away messages from the letter:
Please be reminded — at this time there continues to be no obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sunday. If you are turned away because of capacity restrictions, or are among the high-health-risk population you should pray privately, view Holy Mass on EWTN or other sources. Note 1. The last three pages of the enclosure titled: "Guidelines for Resuming of Public Masses In the Catholic Diocese of Wichita ...." provide specific guidelines and restrictions regarding entry, seating, spacing, etc.
DAILY MASSES continue to be celebrated privately for the intentions that have been scheduled: ![]() Sun. 4-26 3rd Sunday of Easter - People of the Parish Mon. 4-27 + Henry & Catherine Smith Tue. 4-28 No Mass Wed. 4-29 + Alex Treiber Thur. 4-30 + Ann Smith Fri. 5-1 + Betty Coomes Sat. 5-2 + Bill & Lou Spielbusch Sun. 5-3 4th Sunday of Easter - People of the Parish DRIVE-UP CONFESSIONS: Confessions will be heard on the west side of the St. Francis Rectory every Saturday from 4:30-5:15 p.m.; and every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. until all are heard. Follow the signs and cones and remain in your vehicle. If traffic allows, exit north on the gravel drive toward Carroll Street. Click HERE for more information.
Bulletins will be in the back of both churches every week; and are always available on our website Home Page. DAILY MASSES continue to be celebrated privately for the intentions that have been scheduled: ![]() Sun. 4-19 2nd Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) - People of the Parish Mon. 4-20 + Charles & Betty Westhoff Tue. 4-21 No Mass Wed. 4-22 + Alex Treiber Thur. 4-23 Mary Alice Diskin 90th Birthday Fri. 4-24 + Bill & Jennifer Beachner Sat. 4-25 + Rick Bowman Sun. 4-26 3rd Sunday of Easter - People of the Parish Remember — As always, the weekly bulletin is posted on the home page of this parish website. There are also copies of the bulletin in the back of both churches.
Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Thomas Weston who passed away; and to the family and friends of Mary Lou Beachner who passed away. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Drive-Up Confessions are heard every Saturday evening and Sunday morning as described HERE. DAILY MASSES will be continue to be celebrated privately for the intentions that have been scheduled: ![]() Sun. 4-12 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - People of the Parish Mon. 4-13 + Ralph & Loretta Carter Tue. 4-14 No Mass Wed. 4-15 + Betty Roberts Thur. 4-16 + Woody Holland Fri. 4-17 + Pete & Marie Fager Sat. 4-18 + Jane VanLeeuwen Sun. 4-19 2nd Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) - People of the Parish
![]() TO OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TEAM: Dear Knights: Thank you and your family members for securing the signs, and placing the signs and pylons for Confession. Those things are heavy! Know of my prayers for you and all in our parish and our community at this time Yours with pastoral love and prayers in Jesus with Mary, I am Father Sam Pinkerton ![]() Dear People of Saint Francis and Saint Ambrose Parishes: Due to the Coronavirus the Parish Office is now closed to your physical presence and entrance. To schedule Mass Intentions or such, please call Jackie Harmon, our Parish Secretary, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m on Monday through Friday at: 620-449-2224 I love you, but God loves you more! In Jesus with Mary, I remain, Father Sam Pinkerton |
December 2024
This is the community website for the St. Francis de Hieronymo and St. Ambrose Catholic Churches in Neosho County, Kansas. Both churches are located in the center of the historic nine-county southeast Kansas area. We share one of the richest Catholic Heritages in Southern Kansas and the Four-State Region. For more information about our churches, history, organizations or programs browse our site including its links.